Wednesday, May 29, 2013

21 Drinking Age Isn't Actually Keeping Us Safer

The harsh policy of branding 18-20 year-olds as criminals for simply consuming alcohol is not making us any safer-on the roads, or elsewhere. Here's why:

1. It is unrealistic to believe that people who can't be deterred by laws against drunk driving will, however,  listen to a law saying they must be 21 to drink.

2. Likewise, students who listen to laws against underage drinking are probably not the type who would drive drunk in the first place.

3. The threat of a permanent criminal record discourages students from seeking help for themselves or friends who have become dangerously intoxicated.

4. Although approximately only 25% of college undergrads can legally drink, it's no secret that alcohol dominates the social scene at many campuses. Prohibition simply pushes drinking "underground" and makes it impossible for older adults to monitor things.

5. The 21 drinking age inspires overly zealous birthday celebrations which often end tragically. If the drinking age was 18, consuming alcohol would just be another thing on the long list of newly granted rights. Instead, drinking is made the SOLE activity of many 21st birthday celebrations.

6. The threat of being picked up by cops while walking home or waiting for the bus makes students more likely to get into a car-often a car which is being driven by a drunk driver.

7. Prohibiting young adults from consuming a drop of alcohol, and then turning them loose when they hit 21 makes no sense. Many 21 year olds go out and buy a bottle of vodka on their 21st birthdays and end up dead because they never had any guidance about how to drink safely, or how much is too much.

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